Unshackled #64: Free party in Bay Area, May bulletin, & O-1 webinar.


Happy Wednesday. ✨

Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :)

I have THREE exciting updates to share:

Also, we've crossed 14,000+ subscribers in our newsletter. Welcome to all the new folks! Now, onto the newsletter.

You're receiving this email as part of the Unshackled weekly newsletter. Immigration is a complex world. So every Wednesday, I simplify that by sharing breaking news, free webinar invites, & latest trends. If you find value in reading it, forward this to a lucky friend. If this was forwarded to you, get your own here! Read all the past editions here. 💃

This week's TL;DR

📌 UNfold: Breaking news

May Visa Bulletin: No Movement in Priority Dates

The May Visa Bulletin is here... and it shows no changes from April. For China, EB-1 is set at September 1, 2022; India remains at March 1, 2021 for EB-1 and April 15, 2012 for EB-2. USCIS accepts I-485 applications based on Final Action Dates. USCIS's use of Dates for Filing depends on visa availability and operational factors.

Not Indentured: Most New H‑1B Hires Are Changing Jobs

Critics often label H-1B visas as "indentured" servitude, but data shows otherwise. H-1B workers, paid in the top 10% of U.S. earners, change jobs regularly, with over 1 million switches from 2005 to 2023. Factors include a tighter labor market, increased H-1B presence, and a government-granted grace period for job change. While challenges exist, job mobility refutes claims of servitude, emphasizing H-1B workers' contribution to various fields.

Over 1 Million Indians Await Highly Skilled Immigrant Visas in US

More than one million highly skilled Indian professionals are currently facing extensive waits in US employment-based immigration queues, according to data from the United States government. USCIS figures highlight significant delays in obtaining permanent residency due to low annual quotas, impacting both applicants and the US economy.

🎁 UNlock: Webinar invites & resources

[TODAY] [Free Webinar] From Viral to Global: O-1 Visas for Influencers & Content Creators (April 17th, 10.30 PM PST)

Join this webinar to uncover the secrets of navigating the U.S. immigration system and learn how the O-1B visa can be your gateway to international opportunities. Whether you're a YouTuber, blogger, podcaster, or any digital dynamo with a substantial following, this session is tailored just for you!

[Free Event in Bay Area] Join 200+ O1/EB1 Aspirants & Get Your Questions Answered by Top Lawyers (April 22nd, 5:30 PM PST)

If you're from the Bay Area, come join me & 200 others for a FREE party happening on talent visas & entrepreneurship next Monday. The event will have everything: Q&A with experts, networking with some really smart people, signed copies of my book Unshackled, free snacks and swag packets and some self-deprecating humor on immigration :P Don't miss this!

[Free Webianr] How to win scholarships as a First Gen and International Student (April 29th, 5.30 PM CST)

​If you're an international or first-generation student and are looking for ways to secure scholarships, this is for you! This webinar will dive deep into ways you can search for scholarships and how you can apply for them. ​

💫 UNcover: Latest trends

⚖️ Find top lawyers through Unshackled

On popular demand, we’ve launched a new directory of 8 top, trusted immigration lawyers. We've carefully vetted lawyers who can help you with everything from EB-1A profile evaluations to setting up your business as a student on OPT. And everything in between. Book a consult today!

🪄 UNveil: This week’s partners

Ready to ditch the confusion and take charge of your immigration journey? Connect with Poonam Gupta, a strategic immigration lawyer! Have a compassionate legal counsel by your side – one who understands not just the legalities, but the human story behind them. Poonam will help you create a tailored roadmap for your American dream, no matter what path you want to take. Book a free strategy session with Poonam.

Did an unsuccessful H-1B lottery leave you looking for a Plan B? You are not alone. Less than 25% of all registrants entering the annual lottery are selected. If your Plan B involves staying in North America, consider MobSquad. MobSquad helps tech professionals like you eliminate US work visa issues by enabling you to continue working with your current company, nearshore from Canada in just four weeks. They go above and beyond to make the immigration, relocation, and resettlement experience seamless. Find out how by booking a free 1:1 call with the team.

👉 Want to put yourself in front of 14,000+ high-skilled immigrants? Just hit reply to start a conversation.

Are you an O1/EB1 aspirant? Claim your free course on talent visas.

I've launched a free, 5-day course on "Intro to Talent Visas in America." This is for you if you want to escape the H-1B lottery or the 100-year green card backlog and secure your future in America based on merit. Simply click here to start the course today. 🚀

Until next week, stay wonderful.

Yours truly,

Soundarya 💚

💡 None of the information shared in this newsletter is meant to be legal advice. If you're looking for legal advice, speak to a lawyer, or hit reply and let me know so I can connect you with one.

If you didn’t enjoy the email you can always unsubscribe here.

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Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) BIG NEWS: I got my UK Global Talent Visa approved to move to London and work on my next book, "1000 Days of Love", a novel inspired by real experiences over the last 4 years in my life. The Global Talent Visa is the UK's equivalent of the O-1A and EB-1A. If you've been thinking about a move to the UK, now or in the future, read the full article I wrote breaking down the GTV, what you need to...

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) BIG NEWS: This week, I launched news around my third book, "1000 Days of Love", a novel inspired by real experiences over the last 4 years in my life. I've been working on this for the past few years in bits and pieces, and will soon focus on writing it full-time. Click here if you'd like to become an early reader of it. I have another big announcement coming next week -- stay tuned! ;)...

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) I have a big favor to ask: we're moving away from hi@curiousmaverick.com to hi@readunshackled.com. As you notice, this newsletter was sent from the new email. Gmail can be pretty brutal in marking emails as spam. To save us from being pushed out to your "Spam" folder, can you please "Star" this email or mark it "Important." An extra cookie for you if you can hit reply and say something...